Henseler Forensics

Hans Henseler

Hans Henseler is partner at Fox IT and associate professor E-Discovery at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. He received his masters degree in Computer Science from Delft University of Technology and holds a Ph.D. on Artificial Neural Networks from the University of Maastricht in the Netherlands. In 1992 he founded the department of forensic computer science at the Netherlands Forensic Science institute and in 1996 he was vice chairmen of the International Organisation on Computer Evidence (IOCE). From 1998-2000 he was director at the Netherlands Institute of Applied Research, information systems division which specializes in knowledge management, language technology, image processing and logistical information systems. From 2000-2006 he was chief technology officer at ZyLAB and responsible for the development, testing and support of ZyLAB's E-Discovery software suite. From 2006-2010 Hans was director Forensic Technology Solutions at PricewaterhouseCoopers and was responsible for the acquisition and execution of national and international E-Discovery projects for data collection, email review and financial data analysis. He was leader for the dutch PwC Forensic Technology Team in Amsterdam and also leader for the PwC Eurofirms Forensic Technology network covering 17 countries with over 50 professionals.

  Hans Henseler



"Digitale werkwijze NMa imperfect" Hans Henseler - (in Dutch). The Dutch Antitrust regulator NMa relies increasingly on digital investigation in email archives and information systems. A company that is subjected to such an investigation is risking discovery of evidence that may lead to new allegations. Het Financieele Dagblad, 27 mei 2010.

"Openbare les E-Discovery: Op zoek naar de digitale waarheid" Hans Henseler (in Dutch). Pdf version of the publication on the history of forensic computer science and development of E-Discovery in the Netherlands as an introduction to the research agenda of the E-Discovery lectorate at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. ISBN 978 90 5629 622 3.

"Openbare les E-Discovery: Op zoek naar de digitale waarheid" Video recording (in Dutch) of the inaugural address ("openbare les") of Hans Henseler on April 14th, 2010 in Amsterdam at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences.

Op zoek naar de digitale waarheid

"Software-assetmanagement: flinke klus, groot belang ". (in Dutch) Are companies paying too much or too little for the software licenses? In most cases the answer is: they don't know. This implies great risk. Finding the original license agreements should not be underestimated, according to Hans Henseler. Automatisering Gids, 26 maart 2010.


"Kosten e-discovery kunnen flink oplopen". (in Dutch). New regulations force companies to be prepared for forensic investigations. They must treat their electronic store inforation with greater care because they may have to produce evidence in a short period of time when requested to do so. Companies will have to adapt their IT systems according to Hans Henseler. Automatisering Gids, 3 juli 2009.


"Intelligent data analysis for improving public security". (in English) Data Quality Summit, November 14, 2008, Evoluon, Eindhoven.

"Hoe slimme data analyse de veiligheid in Nederland verbetert ". (in Dutch) Keynote Dag van de Datakwaliteit & Data Quality Award 7 oktober 2008, Muziekgebouw aan het IJ, Amsterdam.

"Veilige kluis op internet". (In Dutch) Producing information for digital archives in a timely fashion is a serious problem for companies. Hans Henseler discusses the possibility of using a web-based E-Discovery webserver as a safe and scalable solution to facilitate a collaborative legal review. Automatisering Gids, 29 augustus 2008.


"Bedrijven hebben grote moeite met openen e-mailarchieven". (in Dutch). Electronic documents and email messages are crucial in a fraud investigation. Companies need to now what electronic data they have, where it is located, how it is accessible and to what expense. According to Hans Henseler this is a problem for many companies if they neglect to develop an E-Discovery strategy. Automatisering Gids, 5 april 2007.